Australian Second Life developer, Big-Bit has launched internet-to-phone and advertiser services for properties in SL.
The partnership is with internet telephony provider, Wusic. What it allows is for residents to make phone calls to the real world. Their announcement claims:
“Users will be able to enjoy voice services that will enhance their experiences in virtual properties. Avatars from virtual worlds, social and business network members will be able to conduct voice conversations with users not logged into virtual properties. Specifically for virtual worlds companies already established will be able to receive voice calls and covert leads which would otherwise have been lost if not for the ability to speak to a sales or service representative.
This service offers companies an innovative way for getting products launched in social and virtual networks.”
Is this a service you’d find useful? I can see the functionality of being able to involve people not in-world in an SL event – how else would you use it?
Disclosure: Big-Bit is a paying advertiser on SLOz.
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