Australian Second Life educator and creative whirlwind, Jokay Wollongong, is holding her next Unconference from the 25th to the 27th September 2009 in Second Life and in conjunction with some great events at Macquarie University.
You can go here for the draft schedule and there’s still some slots left for anyone wanting to do their own session.
The sessions proposed to date include: Games in learning, Newbie skills in Second Life, Creating Cases studies and promoting your educational projects, Teachers without Borders, Quest Atlantis, Open Learning and Teacher Professional Development, Safety and Security in virtual worlds, Twitter, History education in virtual worlds, Assessment and evaluation of 21st century learners, Maslow’s hierarchical hideaway, World of Warcraft and the Second Life Education in New Zealand Projects.
Having had the opportunity to catch up with Jokay IRL, I’m a little biased in my assessment, but I’d argue she’s one of the most dynamic and prolific virtual world content creators and educators in Australia. The community basis of Jokaydia seems the primary foundation of its success, combined with a shared passion for education. So if you have the chance, get involved with September’s Unconference.
Thanks so much for helping spread the word, Lowell…. much appreciated! 😉
Thanks so much for helping spread the word, Lowell…. much appreciated! 😉